Paper Title
Optimization of CNC Turning Parameters For Surace Roughness by Using Taguchi Method on En-24
Quality and productivity play significant role in today’s manufacturing market. From customers, viewpoint
quality is very important because the extent of quality of the procured item (or product) influences the degree of satisfaction
of the consumers during usage of the procured goods. Therefore, every manufacturing or production unit should concern
about the quality of the product. Apart from quality, there exists another criterion, called productivity which is directly
related to the profit level and also goodwill of the organization.Surface roughness is the main quality function in EN-
24(carbon steel) in dry conditions. In this study, the effect and optimization of machining parameters (cutting speed, feed
rate and depth of cut) on surface roughness is investigated. An L’27 orthogonal array,
Keywords— Taguchi method, CNC Turning, Roughness factor, Speed, Feed, Depth of Cut.