Paper Title
Chrisat-A Technology For Space Debris Mitigation

This Study will be a combination of a review paper as well as insight to the author’s own model and proposal. The aim of this paper is to support existing technologies which are geared entirely towards space debris mitigation and will serve as a follow up report and opinion on the issue and the recent advancements done to solve the issues. This paper proposes a technique of using ‘nitinol nets’ to fish out the debris ranging from nuts and bolts that are lost during spacewalks to pieces of older satellites to whole satellites that no longer function. We also plan to bring back the collected debris using Retro Nelumba Technology(RNT) which is cost effective when compared to the existing technology. We strongly feel that this method will be efficient under the mission of SWACHH ANTARIKSH ABHIYAN (SAA). This method shall be explained further as the paper progresses. Keywords— space debris, Retro Nelumba technology(RNT),SwachhAntarikshAbhiyan(SAA), Nitinol nets