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Jun. 2024
Submitted Papers : 80
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Acc. Perc : 12%
Issue Published : 134
Paper Published : 1567
No. of Authors : 4088
  Journal Paper

Paper Title :
Early Prediction Model for KOA with Idyllic Measurements using Big-Data Analytics

Author :Steffi Patel, Charmy Patel

Article Citation :Steffi Patel ,Charmy Patel , (2023 ) " Early Prediction Model for KOA with Idyllic Measurements using Big-Data Analytics " , International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) , pp. 82-88, Volume-11,Issue-4

Abstract : Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting 528 million people worldwide. In India more than 10 million cases occur each year. The prevalence of this disease increases with age, and women are generally more affected than men. With the help of different classifiers, we developed a machine learning model that bridges major risk factors for OA, such as rural population with heavy physical labour, obesity, poor posture, other medical conditions, lack of activity, joint laxity, muscle weakness, stress, and cultural differences in Indians like cross-legged sitting, certain occupations, family histories, squat toilets, and walking without proper footwear as baseline markers for predicting knee OA risk. There are more than a few challenges associated with each step of coping with massive information which can solely be surpassed through using high-end computing solutions for big statistics analysis. We proposed a model based on no pharmacological treatment of Osteoarthritis to determine the risk of Osteoarthritis based on risk factors of OA. A machine learning model was built to predict OA years before it occurs and predict the percentage of OA likely to occur in advance.Such a framework will allow the adjustment of the treatment plan and therapeutic approaches that can lead to improved long-term patient outcomes and hopefully delay the time to or stop the need for surgery.The main problems of this research area to early prediction chances of Osteoarthritis in human knee using Machine learning classifier's from Risk factors to prevent OA (osteoarthritis) of the knee and replacement surgery just before KOA happens. We can create a model of the highest accuracy using the risk factor dataset of GUJARAT STATE physiotherapy clinics to predict the chances of KOA on an early basis. Often, clinical decisions are based more on doctors' insights and experiences than on knowledge-rich data hidden in the dataset. This practice leads to unwanted biases, errors, and excessive medical costs which affect the quality of service provided to patients. The proposed system will integrate clinical decision support with computer-based patient records. As a result, medical errors will be reduced, patient safety will be enhanced, unwanted practice variations will be reduced, and patient outcomes will also be improved. This suggestion is promising as data modeling and analysis tools, e.g., data mining, have the potential to generate a knowledge-rich environment that can help to significantly improve the quality of clinical decisions. There are a lot of records in the medical data domain, and it has become necessary to use data mining techniques to aid in decision support and prediction in healthcare. The use of medical data mining contributes to business intelligence, which is useful in diagnosing disease. Keywords - Osteoarthritis, KOA, Big-Data, Gujarat, Data- Collection, Data-Preprocessing, Machine Learning

Type : Research paper

Published : Volume-11,Issue-4


Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals

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| Published on 2023-07-10
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