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  Journal Paper

Paper Title :
Generation Y’s Idea on Marriage Specific Case on Educational Level

Author :Monthakant Rodklai

Article Citation :Monthakant Rodklai , (2018 ) " Generation Y’s Idea on Marriage Specific Case on Educational Level " , International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) , pp. 78-81, Volume-4,Issue-4

Abstract : As Thailand’s overall total fertility rate fell below the replacement level of about 1.8 or one woman to have no more than 2 children as well as people aged 60 years and over have increased by the year 1984 until now. Thus, it means Thailand is reaching the Aging Society and encountering the fertility trap which is hard to conquer. When the number of children became one of the issues and solutions to solve the fertility problem, Thai culture is concerned that probability of giving birth without invading the tradition is to have quality baby after legal marriage. Thus, to start of this research is to aim at the marriage group of people and the group of people who have probability to get marriage in the nearly future which is Generation Y. This research aims at finding solution if education is the main reason of generation Y’s marriage idea that produce less number of baby to Thai population or not. Researching on people who can get married and generation Y is conducted to find the relationship between specific generation and marriage which will also affect the fertility rate that will be able to lead to further research on the development in policy relating marriage and probability of giving birth to be more specific. In order to find the solution for “Yes” or “No” question, Evidence-based practice (EBP) is applied to be a process which involves critical thinking and evaluation of information to determine the most effective and efficient treatment for your client or community. It is used because demography is social issue which normally hard to find the specific answer. With this method, sometimes the possible answer can be “No answer” not just “Yes” or “No” so it is really appropriate for the demography situation like this that there is no 100 percent accurate answer. That’s why evidence from literature review from every single source is important as every available data is happened for a reason. The methodology of this research is to dig deep into every possible evidence available for researcher and evaluate the possibility of the answer. Apart from evidence- based practice, researcher chose in depth interview to support the answer from evidence-based practice. The research’s results revealed that: 1. The research found that for Generation Y itself, education level still has a lot to discuss and should take “No answer” as the solution because there are numerous contradictions among various researches data and ideas from online source along with the opinions from generation Y themselves in each of the elements. 2. There should be more in depth research on the relationship of effects according to generation Y, marriage, and child bearing to be able to find the right solution for Thai incoming policy on demography because the idea of generation Y as the reason of fertility trap is not so true. Index Terms - Generation Y, marriage, educational level.

Type : Research paper

Published : Volume-4,Issue-4


Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals

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| Published on 2018-06-22
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