Paper Title :Student Demonstrators Highlighting the Actuation Potential of Shape Memory Alloy
Author :Daniel Cosovanu, Alexandru Ianosi-Andreeva-Dimitrova, Dan Mandru
Article Citation :Daniel Cosovanu ,Alexandru Ianosi-Andreeva-Dimitrova ,Dan Mandru ,
(2018 ) " Student Demonstrators Highlighting the Actuation Potential of Shape Memory Alloy " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 31-36,
Abstract : Due to the shape memory effect, some materials are capable to recover previous shape or size when subjected to a
heating procedure. In this way, the shape memory alloys transform thermal energy into mechanical work, functioning as
actuators. Often, the change in temperature is internally generated by resistance heating.Our students in Mechatronics and in
Precision Engineering programs are required to attend project activities, with various topics in the field of Drives and
Actuators. One topic of their team-work projects is referring to original and suggestive demonstrators highlighting the
actuation potential of shape memory alloys. This paper presents few projects and prototypes of student demonstrators which
covers linear, rotary or bending actuators. The experimental research carried out based on such a demonstrator is presented.
Keywords- Shape Memory Alloy Actuator, Student SMA Demonstrators, SMA student projects
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-03-24 |