Paper Title :Split-S Maneuver of Fighter Aircraft Simulation against Pure-Pursuit Guidance Missiles
Author :Wildan Abiyya Sukarsono, Ony Arifianto, Pramesthi Sukma Windratih
Article Citation :Wildan Abiyya Sukarsono ,Ony Arifianto ,Pramesthi Sukma Windratih ,
(2018 ) " Split-S Maneuver of Fighter Aircraft Simulation against Pure-Pursuit Guidance Missiles " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 77-81,
Abstract : In an air-to-air engagement between two fighter aircraft, a fighter aircraft requires several maneuvers to evade the
opponent's attack. Out of several fighter maneuvers, one of the most commonly used maneuver is the Split -S maneuver, in
which the fighter changes direction and altitude drastically to distance itself from the battlefield. This paper will discuss the
effectiveness of the Split-S maneuver in evading a Pure-Pursuit Guidance Missile. The simulation is conducted to determine
the fighter’s survivability in a case wherein the Split-S maneuver is executed to evade multiple incoming missiles from a
multitude of directions. The movements of both the fighter and the Pure-Pursuit missiles will be modeled using the MATLAB
/ SIMULINK software. The result of this simulation is the acquisition of the distribution of the miss-distances, which can later
be utilized by a fighter pilot as a consideration for the execution of a Split-S maneuver.
Keywords - Split-S Maneuver, Pure-Pursuit, Fighter, Missile.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6,Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-04-13 |