Paper Title :Comparison of Conventional and Loopwing Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Author :Aye Aye Aung, Myat Myat Soe
Article Citation :Aye Aye Aung ,Myat Myat Soe ,
(2019 ) " Comparison of Conventional and Loopwing Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine using Computational Fluid Dynamics " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 29-34,
Abstract : There are many researchers have been tried to generate electricity from wind energy. Conventional horizontal axis wind turbine is frequently subjected to a failure and it requires higher rotating speed. Therefore, many researchers have been tried to solve this problem of conventional wind turbine. Loopwing is a new kind of wind turbine technology with loop shaped blades. This loop type blade turbine is to operate at relatively low rotating speed without sacrificing energy efficiency. Unfortunately, loop type blade has not been widely researched on the optimal design and performance test. In this study, NASA SC(2)–0402 blade profile was chosen for loopwing wind turbine when comparing with the SIMPLEX 1 airfoil from the result of Profili Software. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the flow analysis of conventional and loopwing horizontal axis wind turbine. Computational fluid dynamic software was used to analyse and compare the two types of conventional and loop type blade wind turbine. Simulation results showed that the performance of loop type blade wind turbine is50% higher than conventional wind turbine. Keywords - Conventional, Loop Type Blade, BEM Theory, ANSYS CFX, Turbulent Model
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-7,Issue-9
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2019-11-27 |