Paper Title :Twin Roll Casting of High Mg Contained Aluminum Alloy
Author :Makoto Hagiwara, Shinichi Nishida, Daichiuematsu, Yutohorigome, Shogo Imai, Kentarotsunoda
Article Citation :Makoto Hagiwara ,Shinichi Nishida ,Daichiuematsu ,Yutohorigome ,Shogo Imai ,Kentarotsunoda ,
(2019 ) " Twin Roll Casting of High Mg Contained Aluminum Alloy " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 95-97,
Abstract : Twin roll strip casting of aluminum alloy AC7B using commercial scale machine was operated. Twin roll casting process is able to produce a strip from molten metal directly. Thus this process has a possibility to reduce total cost of sheet making comparing to conventional rolling process. Strip casting process has some disadvantages. Casting speed depends on the material properties. It is difficult to determine the casting conditions. The aims of this study is to investigate the effect of the initial roll gap on the strip. Continuous strip could not be produced at the roll speed of 10 m/min. Continuous strip was produced at the roll speed of 20 m/min. The strip consisted of an opaque part and a metallic luster part. However, cracks were observed. Continuous strip was produced at a roll speed of 30 m/min. However, cracks were observed too.
Keywords - Twin Roll Casting Process, Aluminum Alloy AC7B, Castability, Surface Condition, Strip Thickness
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-7,Issue-12
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Published on 2020-02-07 |