Paper Title :Fabrication of S.I. Engine to use acetylene as fuel
Author :Suyash Kamal Soni, Rahul Jain, Adarsh Choubey, Abhineet Sharma
Article Citation :Suyash Kamal Soni ,Rahul Jain ,Adarsh Choubey ,Abhineet Sharma ,
(2015 ) " Fabrication of S.I. Engine to use acetylene as fuel " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 48-51,
Abstract : In the present statuesque where fossil fuel is on the verge to exhaust, the need of the hour is to search for a
alternative fuel. and we have many choices like LPG,CNG with their drawbacks. Due to which it is complicated to use them
among various options acetylene gas is a very good fuel for automobiles but it also has many shortcomings which are needed to
be studied before using. the paper investigates the changes required to be done for running a IC engine on acetylene produced
on-board by a decomposition reaction of calcium carbide with water in presence of aluminum powder. Thus reducing the
running cost and minimum pollutant emission, which makes it fit for use on economic and environment standard? It is more
eco-friendly fuel option.
Keywords— Alternative fuel, Emission, Exhaust analysis, Comparison, Efficiency.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3,Issue-4
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Published on 2015-04-14 |