Paper Title :Design and Development of Two Row Planting Machine for Mulch Laying System
Author :S M Mathur, Sandip M. Nage, Naveen Kumar C
Article Citation :S M Mathur ,Sandip M. Nage ,Naveen Kumar C ,
(2023 ) " Design and Development of Two Row Planting Machine for Mulch Laying System " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 1-7,
Abstract : A tractor operated mulch and drip laying machine with two row planting unit consisting of punch planting
arrangement was fabricated with the help of Vishwa Karma Agro Industries, Tonk (Raj.). The developed machine performs
bund forming, drip line laying and mulch laying and planting at a single pass. The developed machine was tested for three
forward speed (0.8, 1.0, 1.2 km/h) and three different plant to plant spacing (300,600, 1200 mm) respectively. Intended
operations were perfectly achieved by the machine such as bund forming, drip laying, mulch laying and planting. Plant
spacing had no significant effect on effective field capacity and field efficiency. Effective field capacity and field efficiency
increases with increase in the forward speed. Seedling miss index and seedling multiple indexes decreased with increase in
plant spacing but same increased with increase in speed. The performance of the machine was found satisfactory.
Development work of AI based Robotic arms for picking and dropping of plants under progress to eliminate the human
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-11,Issue-8
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Published on 2023-11-27 |