Paper Title :An Experimental Investigation Into Thermal Energy Storage Of A Coil-In-Shell Heat Exchanger Connected To A Heat Pump Using Different Refrigerants
Author :M. Man Pham, C. Vinh Nguyen, L.C.Thanh Nguyen, M. Nhan Pham, Hoai Nguyen
Article Citation :M. Man Pham ,C. Vinh Nguyen ,L.C.Thanh Nguyen ,M. Nhan Pham ,Hoai Nguyen ,
(2016 ) " An Experimental Investigation Into Thermal Energy Storage Of A Coil-In-Shell Heat Exchanger Connected To A Heat Pump Using Different Refrigerants " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 55-61,
Abstract : The present experimental study investigates thermal energy storage of a coil-in-shell heat exchanger connected
to a heat pump using different refrigerants. This highly efficient heat exchanger helps minimize a temperature difference
between the shell-side fluid and the coil-side fluid, thereby enhancing the transference of the thermal energy between two or
more fluids at different temperatures and in thermal contact. The performances of the coil-in-shell heat exchanger connected
to the heat pump using different refrigerants were investigated in the present work. The effects of R134a and R22
refrigerants were analyzed in terms of heating times and power consumption. The results showed that the rate of heat transfer
Q was 6.43 kW, based on the log mean temperature different (LMTD) of 36.2o
C and a heat exchanger Rayleigh number of
. In addition, the effectiveness of heat exchange of the system connected to the heat pump was about 0.75 at the
temperature difference of 33.6o
C and at the provided flow coefficient of 1.7. Finally, the room temperature after the cooling
process and the relative humidity were found to have significant values with the use of the two different refrigerants R22 and
Keywords— Thermal Energy Storage, Coil-in-Shell Heat Exchanger, Heat Exchanger Effectiveness, Rayleigh number, Heat
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-08-11 |