Paper Title
Various Approaches For Human Emotion Recognition: A Study

This paper discusses the applications of emerging technology used in developing software that can effectively establish the correlation between various forms of communication- both verbal and non-verbal, with a defined set of emotions as knowledge base by carrying out a comprehensive study/review of existing technologies and comparing them with each other. Emotion Recognition(ER) in general is primarily concerned with Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Machine Learning at the core and uses Image Processing Techniques to map emotions with Psycho-Physiological patterns. This paper presents a cumulative understanding of few methodologies existing in classifying emotions using the following - Eigen Values, Bayesian Networks, Candide-3 Reconstruction Model, Neural Networks and Real-time Multi-Modal method of classification. Each method is described clearly and the trade-offs are weighed in to differentiate the techniques based on their approach. Index Terms— About four key words or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.