Paper Title
Performance Analysis of Manet using Fuzzy based Data Rate and Drop Probability
Mobile ad-hoc network consist of mobile nodes. These nodes do not follow any particularly topology. Now days
many humans are dependent on internet for their daily chores but congestion is one of the major issue, which affect the data
network. Real time multimedia applications have come into existence like audio, video etc. So the congestion problem is
also increasing. Thus, in order of control congestion various schemes have developed. In this research paper Fuzzy based
Congestion control approaches in wireless network detects & avoids congestion by developing the ad-hoc fuzzy rules as well
as membership functions.In this concept, two parameters have been used as the sign of congestion: a) Channel load b) The
size of queue within intermediate nodes. These parameters constitute the input to Fuzzy logicControl. The output of this
Fuzzy logic controller (sending rate, Drop probability) derives from the conjunction with Fuzzy Rules Base. The congestion
is controlled by sending rate and Drop probability. The parameter used input channel load, queue length which are produce
the sending rate and Drop probability output in fuzzy logic.The simulation results reveal that usage of fuzzy logic controller
has reduced packet-loss comparing with Qual Net. It has also increased throughput and saving energy.
Keywords - Fuzzy Logic, Load, Drop Probability, Qual Net, Membership Function.