Paper Title
Data Leak Identification And Safe Search Over Encrypted Data In Cloud Storage Services
As we know that cloud computing is used in big IT organization as well as IT enterprises which provide
convenient, direct, indirect remote access to data storage and application services that allow users to store their private and
sensitive data. In cloud computing many organization notice as well as report that important and sensitive data have been
leak repeatedly in recent years in which human mistake is one of the most important reason of data loss. Hence in this paper
we represent data leak identification solution to solve this problem and we identify the system requirements and challenges
towards achieving privacy assured searchable outsourced cloud data services. This paper present a general methodology for
this, using searchable encryption techniques, which allows encrypted data to be searched by users without leaking
information about the data itself and users queries. The resulting design is able to facilitate efficient server side ranking
without losing keyword privacy.
Keywords- Cloud Storage, Data Owner, Data User, Data leak, Network Security, Privacy, Collection Intersection.