Paper Title
Fuse Mechanism For Data’s Aggregation Using Fuzzy Logic Technique For Online Mobile Users
In recent days, data’s have grown more and more as the users are getting exposed to different field, i.e., wireless
networks, big data, database, etc. Data’s are need to be collected, managed and formulated for the people based on the
services provided in the outdoor environments. During data segmentation, the problem in data similarities and security based
on traffic events are addressed using for online users. Data’s should be materialized based on aggregation scheme and
security issues in mobility based environment. Propose FUSE mechanism based on fuzzy logic concept and integrates with
data aggregation technique which helps to improve the security aspect results in data similarities with no distortions. Here,
fuzzifier is used along with membership function to eliminate the data information which looks imperfect. In performance
analysis, the mean / division of vehicles is calculated by simulation time and packet delivery ratio of those data’s that is
transmitted over the vehicle. Thus the data aggregation for the transmission events are analysed and security aspects also
been evaluated.
Keywords- Fuzzy Logic, Data Aggregation, VANETS, Fuzzifier and membership function.