Paper Title
An Intrusion Detection and Prevention System in Cloud Computing: A Review
The boom in cloud computing has triggered numerous security challenges for the consumers and service
providers. Authors aims to identify the most vulnerable security threats in cloud computing, which will enable both end users
and vendors to know about the key security threats associated with cloud computing. Intrusion detection system is popular
technique to locate and identify malicious activity on cloud computing .This paper focused on different intrusion in cloud
computing environments. We have analyzed some existing cloud based intrusion detection systems (IDS) with respect to
their type, detection technique, data source and attacks they can detect. We also describe current platforms, both commercial
and open source, and services for Cloud monitoring, underlining how they relate with the properties and issues identified
before. Finally, we identify open issues, main challenges and future directions in the field of Cloud monitoring.
Index terms - Cloud Computing Intrusion Detection System, Web Security, Multi Agents