Paper Title :IOT Based Garbage Management System
Author :Knsreehari, Anu Chalil, P.Ramasai Reddy, B.V Niranjan, T.Gopi Krishna, Y.Pavan Kalyan, Y.Sai Chandra Naidu
Article Citation :Knsreehari ,Anu Chalil ,P.Ramasai Reddy ,B.V Niranjan ,T.Gopi Krishna ,Y.Pavan Kalyan ,Y.Sai Chandra Naidu ,
(2022 ) " IOT Based Garbage Management System " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 8-12,
Abstract : Abstract - Over the years, there has been tremendous growth in population as well as waste generation, and this has become one of the most priority issues to address because improper waste management is a source of many diseases and it is one of the major problems in many countries are facing. To solve this issue, we propose a sophisticated and low-cost IoT Based smart garbage management system that can be placed in different geographical locations and sends an alert regarding the status of the bin then the authority will take necessary action to empty the bin along with it we have used the tilt sensor and servo motor to lock the bin when it tends to fall due to the accidental event, to avoid unwanted trash split. The system has been designed using Nodemcu, Pirsensor, Ultrasonic sensor, Smell sensor, Servo motor and Tilt sensor. Foralerting and regular monitoring of the dust bin, Twilio and Thing speak were utilized.
Keywords - Nodemcu, Pir Sensor, Smell Sensor, Tilt Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, Servo Motor Things Speak, Twilio.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-10,Issue-7
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Published on 2022-10-10 |