Paper Title :A Modified Topsis Model for Service Composition in Cloud Manufacturing
Author :Syed Omer Farooq Ahmed, Adapa Gopi
Article Citation :Syed Omer Farooq Ahmed ,Adapa Gopi ,
(2024 ) " A Modified Topsis Model for Service Composition in Cloud Manufacturing " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 28-33,
Abstract : The purpose of this research paper is to determine the current or future use of Business 4.0 technologies (cloud
computing, IoT, etc.) to improve business efficiency. The purpose of this study is to score options using the Modified
TOPSIS decision model. CRITIC criteria are used to calculate the weight of the target. Additionally, a detailed data analysis
is the first step when comparing study results with TOPSIS. Second, understand the theoretical framework of the standard
measurement system. Third, a hybrid CRITIC and Modified TOPSIS model for decision making was developed. Finally,
compare the options and decide. The proposed method successfully resolves the ambiguity and ambiguity of data variables
while maintaining the accuracy of data measurements. Additionally, the results are more accurate as the target weight is
closer to the actual weight than the measured weight. This paper uses the Modified TOPSIS model to evaluate changes based
on a set of 22 general criteria for service delivery in the cloud. The results of Modified TOPSIS are A2>A5>A4>A1>A3 where
as the conventional TOPSIS are A4>A5>A3>A1>A2.
Keywords - Cloud Manufacturing, TOPSIS, CRITIC, Index System of Service Composition,
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-12,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2024-10-17 |