Paper Title :Computer Based Solar Position Tracking Using Astronomical Algorithms
Author :Paulose Thomas
Article Citation :Paulose Thomas ,
(2017 ) " Computer Based Solar Position Tracking Using Astronomical Algorithms " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 38-41,
Volume-5, Issue-3
Abstract : This paper presents an innovative method of tracking the solar panels which are used for power production
purposes in the renewable energy market. This computer based simple, low cost and efficient technique offer the possibilities
of intelligent sun tracking mechanisms for photovoltaic systems. For that an algorithm containing astronomical equations is
designed and programed through computer which drives the motors that rotate the panels in precise angles. The proposed
design can be used in any part of the world regardless of the sun rise and sun set timings. The panel will exactly locate the
position of the sun instead of heat or light and thus improves the efficiency and reduces the vibrations that occurs in the
presence of clouds. The validity is checked through different model predictions and comparisons and the results are verified.
Indexterms - Excel Macro, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Chronological Tracking.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5, Issue-3
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-05-20 |