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Volume-12,Issue-1  ( May, 2024 )
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  Journal Paper

Paper Title :
Survay Paper On Sentiment Analysis By Using Word Alignment Model And Co Rankig Graph Algorithm

Author :Rajesh Rameshrao Tak, Amrit Priyadarshi

Article Citation :Rajesh Rameshrao Tak ,Amrit Priyadarshi , (2015 ) " Survay Paper On Sentiment Analysis By Using Word Alignment Model And Co Rankig Graph Algorithm " , International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Cloud Computing (IJACSCC) , pp. 23-29, Volume-3,Issue-2

Abstract : Today’s internet is the most important part of person because it access each and every thing through the internet such as study material, online shopping or any information that we want .The online shopping is also important today, the online shopping makes a option to user for buying the product. When user buy a product that time it checks all details about the product and user reviews, when customer buy a product that it give a reviews about the product such as ‘good’, ‘bad’ or ‘very good. Online shopping is becoming increasingly important as more and more manufactures sell product on the internet, and many users are using the internet to express and share their opinion. However it is not possible for customer to read all product reviews. Therefore, it is necessary to design effective system to summarize the pros and cons of product characteristics, so that customer can quickly find their favorite product. In this paper we are present the product ranking system by using opinion targets and opinion word. In this paper we can use the Word Alignment model and graph based coranking algorithm before this techniques it uses the neighbor rules but this not effective so we use above techniques. The graph based co-ranking algorithm minimizes the probability of error generation. In this system we consider three issues while calculating product reviews product reviews, product popularity, and product release month. Keywords- Opinion Mining; Opinion Targets Extraction; Opinion Words Extraction;

Type : Research paper

Published : Volume-3,Issue-2


Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals

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| Published on 2015-12-26
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