Paper Title
Governance of Boundary Water and Disquiet Over Treaties
Trans-boundary water issues have been widespread all over the world, plagued by claims and counter claims by different users and states. This conflict stems from the very nature of water, such as water being divisible and amenable to sharing. It is a common pool resource. If one unit of water is wasted by one that amount of water is denied to others. Water has multiple uses and users which involves its trade. The way water is used and managed is the main cause of its conflict. Mr. Ramaswamy Iyer once pointed out that the water conflict is about gross water mismanagement. He terms it "water-greed" where nobody is satisfied to have enough of it. The ever-growing and unlimited demand for more and more water makes it fragile in South Asia and its existence the major cause of conflicts. But the absence of a democratic framework, at regional level further aggravates the problem. The existing approach for transboundary water governance in South Asia is not ecologically sustainable. The bilateral treaties, signed between two or three countries ( Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan) with India in which India is always an upper riparian in most cases, except with Nepal). Some of these treaties have worked, others have not, but each has been surrounded by controversy and misgivings at some point or other.
Keywords- Transboundary,amenable, common pool, plagued, mismanagement, sustainable