Paper Title
Increasing The Efficiency Of A Pv System Using Dual Axis Solar Tracking
The energy extracted from solar photovoltaic (PV) or solar thermal depends on solar insolation. For the
extraction of maximum energy from the sun, the plane of the solar collector should always be normal to the incident
radiation. The diurnal and seasonal movement of the earth affects the radiation intensity received on the solar collector. Sun
trackers move the solar collector to follow the sun trajectories and keep the orientation of the solar collector at an optimal tilt
angle. In general a PV system, both grid-tie and off grid, have current and voltage sensors in their battery charger or inverter
units. In this work, an automatic solar tracking system has been designed and developed to work by accessing the data from
the current and voltage sensors. Two-axis solar tracking (azimuth angle as well as altitude angle) has been implemented
through microcontroller based sophisticated control logic.
Keywords— Arduino board, Dual axis tracker, Hill Climbing Algorithm, Stepper motor