Paper Title
Generation Of Artificial Earthquake Time History
Ground motion estimation, due to future earthquakes is one of the most challenging problems in earthquake
engineering for seismic response analysis of structure. Earthquake acceleration time histories are required to perform
dynamic analysis. Earthquake resistant design critically depends on how accurately the ground motion can be determined at
a particular site. In the present work Mumbai region is selected for generation of earthquake time history. This city is located
in Peninsular India, which has experienced the devastating Koyna (1967, Mw = 6.3), Khillari (1993, Mw = 6.1), Jabalpur
(1999, Mw = 5.8) and Bhuj (2001, Mw = 7.7) earthquakes. Seimoartif software is use to generate artificial earthquake time
history for different magnitude of earthquake.
Keywords: Simulated ground motions, Phase angles, Spectrum-compatible motions, Envelope function, and Duration time.