Paper Title
Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Dssc For Minimizing Transient Stability Problem In Power Systems
For long distance power transmission AC is used by most of the transmission lines. However, they have problems
pertaining to stability that results in the reduction of transmission capability. Large power distribution systems witness
problems pertaining to weekly damped swings among the synchronous generators. Healthy power distribution systems
exhibit good transient stability. Recently Golshannavaz et al. could improve transient stability using DSSC. The functionality
of DSSC is very much similar to SSSC but it is small in size and incurs lesser price. However, they used controller in the
experiments which was proved not flexible enough as it does not allow changes once inputs are given.This paper overcomes
this problem by employed enhanced DSSC with fuzzy logic controller with a robust set of rules. In other words the existing
controller is replaced by fuzzy logic controller for better optimized solution with respect to stability problems in power
distribution systems.