Paper Title
Single – Phase Inverter With A Novel Power Quality Control Strategy In Dg Systems
Distributed generation (DB) systems came into existence due to the need for integration of various power
generation plants. In order to interact with such systems power electronic converters are widely used. In this paper, we study
single-phase inverterfor interfacing with DG systems that need certain features pertaining to quality such as reactive power
compensation. When the DG unit functions are integrated with devices like single - phase inverter, it gets equipped with
power filter capabilities. Thus the power flow can be controlled from the energy sources that are renewable. The converter
also helps in load current harmonic compensation. The proposed control scheme comprises a repetitive controller,
instantaneous reactive power and sinusoidal signal generator that depend on current reference generator. We built a
prototype application that simulates the proof of concept. The empirical results revealed that the proposed scheme is feasible
and effective.