Paper Title
Performance Analysis Of Partially Parallel Embedded Z (Ez) - Source Inverter With Reduced Switches Fed Im Drives
Z-Source inverter is a single-stage converter which performs both buck-boost energy conversions using the LC
impedance network. The further advancement in the Z-Source inverter is the parallel Embedded Z-Source inverter that can
produce same gain as Z-Source inverter. Energy from the solar cell is taken as input to the EZ-source inverter. The ripple
content of the solar cell output voltage is reduced using Parallel EZ-Source (PEZS) inverter. In order to overcome the
drawbacks of PEZS, partially parallel EZ-Source inverter is proposed. The proposed system reduces number of PV panels,
capacitor rating, smoothens source current and also reduces total harmonic distortion. The proposed system reduces six
switch three phase inverter to four switch three phase inverter. This makes system compact which reduces cost and switching
losses, line harmonics, improves power factor, reliability and extends the output voltage range. The system is modeled using
matlab simulink. Simulation studies are done with induction motor. Simulation results are presented.