Paper Title
A Comparative Study Of Elliptic Curve Cryptography And Rsa To Kerberos Authentication Protocol
The main objective to develop Kerberos is initiated by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) for the
purpose of developing the project called Athena which was launched in 1983 with the main goal of integrating computers
into the curriculum at MIT. The need for networked security arose as MIT migrated from terminal-based computer access to
workstation-based access via Ethernet. Kerberos was designed to secure clients and servers connecting via an untrusted
network, and it is currently used in a variety of applications. In Kerberos V protocol RSA has been used for encryption
session keys and / or to sign messages, RSA takes long key size it is one of the drawback of the Kerberos protocol. The main
aim of this paper is to provide the high level comparison of Elliptic Curve Cryptography over RSA cryptography to
overcome the large key size drawback of Kerberos V protocol. However, here, we are not provide any mathematical details
of either cryptosystem, nor will we offer details of the calculations performed when making our comparison but we provide
the comparison between Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and RSA Cryptography . We analyzed that the ECC has been
used small key size for encryption session key and /or to sign messages, Although Elliptic Curve Cryptography requires
more mathematical calculations that are computationally expensive, it is well believed that they caneliminate some of the
traditional Kerberos protocol limitations such as key size. ECC provides greater security and more efficient performance
than the RSA Cryptography .