Paper Title
Wireless Sensor Network Application: Smart Meter Using Smart Card
Smart grid, as an intelligent power generation, distribution, and control system, needs various communication
systems to meet its requirements. Automatic meter reading and more precise prognoses come within technical reach due to
wireless sensor networks for smart metering and the smart grid. The radio nodes exchange data wirelessly in bidirectional
communication and forward them to the master node. In the smart meter module consists of a micro controller (At mega 16)
interfaced with passive rfid module and is interfaced with zigbee module and is connected to the master module with 802.11
ethernet interface.Using smart technology ;smart meters are interfaced with passive rfid and zigbee and smart meter will
behave like a post paid mobile phone where passive rfid is used to pay electricity bills and recharge. This paper describes
about how a smart meters work and how smart meter is helpful in paying bills wirelessly and need for a person collecting bill
is removed.