Paper Title
Virtual Reality And Holobag
“Virtual Reality (VR)” was proposed by Jaron Lanier, founder of VPL Research (1989). Alternate names for VR
are virtual environment (VE), cyberspace (proposed by William Gibson), artificial reality, augmented reality [2]. VR
simulates the virtual world around you that makes user think of being in a real world (virtually created). A true virtual
environment must include immersion and interactivity. Virtual reality uses HMD (Head Mounted Devices), PCs and graphics
software to perform immersion and input devices such as joystick, data gloves and different kind of sensors for user interaction
Virtual Reality is an emerging technology that has application areas such as Real estate, manufacturing of vehicles, training
program for the military, in medicine doctors can train for surgical procedure and diagnosing the patient with fear and other
conditions, virtual games. This paper also includes innovative ideas that can be implemented using any of three (Virtual
Reality, Augmented Reality as well as Holograms).
Index Terms— HoloBag, Virtual Reality, Virtual Environment.