Paper Title
Advancement In Automatic Farm Field Aqua System Through GSM Technology

This project explains about the automatic agricultural development by using GSM Technology.To irrigate a land with full of automation,without using any of the human resource,with the help of sensors for an effective land cultivation.In this project, a tank, land of 10 to 20 acres and a well is required for the development of the project.A tank is introduced between the well and alnd for the effective production.Two sensors one at the bottom of the tank and other at the top of the tank are fixed.A timer is fixed near to the top level sensors to detect the water and to stop the motor.If the lower level sensor is not sensed the motor for the outlet of water from the well will be switched on,by the same side the water from the tank will not be let out.If the upper level of the sensor is detected,the timer starts its count down from 0sec,when it reaches the 5min motor will be switched off.The other sensor will be in need of water only when the sensor deep under the land and slightly away from the root is not detected,thus using transmitter the waves is passed to switch on the motor.This motor connecting to the tank and the land will be switched on only when the lower level sensor in the tank is sensed.This all functions are programmed into the PIC microcontroller.Depending upon the water level it will providethe instructions.In this project we use GSM for sending the notification message to the farmers whether the motor is on or off.