Paper Title
Reactive Power Management for Wind Turbine System to Stabilize the Output Power through Minimizing Collector System Losses and with Control of Pitch Angle
A reactive power/voltage control strategy is proposed that uses wind turbines as distributed reactive power sources to optimize the power flow in large-scale wind farms and maintain the output power stability. This paper has focussed on several issues related to the stability, power quality and operation of a power system. The whole transmission grid codes to focus on power controllability, power quality and fault ride through where wind turbines are required to offer grid support to the network. The two turbines consist of 20 MVA type III variable speed wind turbines, 10 MVA type I fixed speed wind turbine generators and ±3 MVAr STATCOM connected to 25 kV medium voltage collection bus. To investigated for reactive power management with the 230 kV power grid. An Analytical model of wind turbine has been presented and this was followed by the modelling of the wind farm under Sim Power of Simulink. The master controller is built for reactive power management and algorithm is written. The algorithm, by using the voltage and reactive at the PCC the reactive power references are compensated. And we have introduced the fuzzy controller at DFIG wind turbine to establish maximum power delivery to the grid at the trip. This design having full control on the electrical torque, speed and makeup a reactive power compensation and operation under grid disturbances which improve desired output levels. Keywords - Reactive Power, DFIG, Pitch Angle, Fuzzy Logic Controller, PCC, STATCOM, PCC Measurement.