Paper Title
Vulnerabilities in the Navigation System of Connected Autonomous Vehicles
Advanced driver assistance systems are advancing at a rapid pace and all major businesses started investing in developing the autonomous vehicles. However, reliability and security are still uncertain and debatable. Navigation is an essential part of a mobile robot, especially the ability to self-navigate is of immense importance to an autonomous vehicle. For this purpose, it is necessary for the vehicle to know its current position as well as an area of a map it has to navigate. GPS provides the required position data and a compass gives the current heading. This data in conjunction with a list of waypoints obtained from the map is used to calculate the required correction in heading. This is then used to obtain the steering angle to navigate the vehicle. For example, a vehicle is compromised by the attackers. An attacker can accelerate, control brake, and even steering which can lead to catastrophic consequences. This paper presents a very brief and short overview of predictable attacks on autonomous vehicle software and hardware and their potential implications. steering angle to navigate the vehicle. For example, a vehicle is compromised by the attackers. An attacker can accelerate, control brake, and even steering which can lead to catastrophic consequences. This paper presents a very brief and short overview of predictable attacks on autonomous vehicle software and hardware and their potential implications. Keywords - Attacks, Autonomous, Connected, GPS, Security, Vehicle, Vulnerabilities