Paper Title
Sectoral Digitalization in Vietnam
Abstract - This study uses the concept of digital spillover to examine the sectoral digitalization in Vietnam. The calculations and analysis give two main results. Firstly, the degree of digitization varies among economic sectors in Vietnam.The leading sectors in terms of digital technology adoption are the technological, scientific and service oriented. Second, although sectoral digitalization has been improving over the last 15 years, but the improvement is not significant.This result on one hand reflects the limited spillover effect of Vietnamese ICT sector in other economic sectors.On the other hand, this result also inndicates the current situation of limited digital technology application in Vietnamese enterprises.This study suggests that Vietnam needs policies to develop the information and communication sector and especially promote the digital transformation process to achieve the national digitalized economy goal of 20% of GDP by 2025 and 30% by 2030, respectively.
Keywords - Digital Economy, Measurement, Core Digital Economy, Digitalized Economy, Vietnam.