Paper Title
La-Leach: A New Approach To Increase The Lifetime Of Wireless Sensor Networks
One of the main issues in the context of clustering protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSN) is the selection of
cluster head (CH). Many researches select the CH based on the value of the residual energy of the nodes. In other many
approaches it is selected based on the number of the neighboring nodes or the distance among them. In this paper, a new
method based on learning automata (LA) named LA-LEACH is proposed to increase the lifetime of WSNs. That is, a LA is
resident on every sensor node. In the proposed method, CH is selected on the basis of both factors the residual energy and
Euclidean distance. Then, using its residing LA, the selected CH communicates with its associated cluster members. The
simulation results demonstrate that LA-LEACH outperforms W-LEACH, HCDD, and CSME in terms of load balancing and
energy usage.
Keywords- clustering, learning automata, mobile sink, wireless sensor network, lifetime