Paper Title :Improved-Hraran : A New Approach to Improve Performance of Hraran Routing in Manet
Author :Rojan Bhatti, P. S. Mundra
Article Citation :Rojan Bhatti ,P. S. Mundra ,
(2017 ) " Improved-Hraran : A New Approach to Improve Performance of Hraran Routing in Manet " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 24-29,
Abstract : Ad hoc wireless networking is a separable part of wireless networking which is getting popular among users due
to its various features like it is easy to implement and access, reliable data delivery. With the increased number of users the
ad hoc networks suffers from issues like security, efficient routing, lack of effective relay node selection etc. within last few
year a large number of researches had been conducted in direction to solve these issues as most of the work had been
conducted by using effective routing protocols and HRARAN is one of these protocols. It was observed that in traditional
HRARAN protocol only reputation of the nodes was considered for electing the relay nodes for routing. Hence, this study
provides an improved HRARAN (IHRARAN) which elects the nodes for routing on the basis of reputation value of nodes,
residual energy of nodes and connectivity of nodes. The proposed work creates a route to the destination by electing the
hops for path on the basis of their reputation value, connectivity of the node. In this initially the network is created and then
source and destination node is elected. After selecting the source and destination node the shortest path is created between
them by choosing the next hops on the basis of evaluation of considered parameters. The proposed work is evaluated on the
basis of various performance parameters such as packet delivery ratio and throughput. The proposed protocol is simulated
by using MATLAB software. The comparison is performed among ARAN (Authenticated Routing), HRARAN and
IHRARAN. Simulation was performed on the proposed routing protocol on MATLAB simulation software and the observed
results have shown the efficiency of proposed work. It is observed that the throughput level increased up to 30% as compare
to the conventional routing protocols that are ARAN and HARARN.
Keywords - Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Routing, ARAN, HRARAN, IHRARAN, Reputation value.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-12
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-02-16 |