Paper Title :New Generation Fabric Based Electrical Heating Systems: A Case Study for Public Transport Vehicles
Author :Hayri Eren, Volkan Kirmaci, Mustafa Erol, Ahmet Yavas, Huseyin Duran, Yavuz Ozturk
Article Citation :Hayri Eren ,Volkan Kirmaci ,Mustafa Erol ,Ahmet Yavas ,Huseyin Duran ,Yavuz Ozturk ,
(2018 ) " New Generation Fabric Based Electrical Heating Systems: A Case Study for Public Transport Vehicles " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 28-31,
Abstract : Internal Combustion Engine vehicles use engine waste heat as a heat source to heat up the passenger
compartment and to provide comfortable and safe environment inside the vehicle. When there is no Internal Combustion
Engine and hence no such waste heat or when the waste heat from Internal Combustion Engine is not enough to warm up
passenger compartment, the necessary heating has to be provided by an alternative energy sources. Supplementary fuel
burner heaters or battery powered electrical heaters are the only available heating units that can be used to supply such
amount of heat power. As a result of low zero emission expectation and low fuel consumption expectation, there are many
studies done specifically based on electrical heating, however most of them consumes energy in an inefficient way and
therefore less preferred. In this paper, a theory of an alternative and novel heating method for transport vehicles is studied.
Study targets to reduce energy consumption as well as weight of heating system. Suggested system is aimed to heat up the
occupants directly using an infrared heating technology from fabric based infrared heating elements so that overall efficiency
of the system will be increased and energy consumption is expected to be reduced.
Index terms - Infrared Heating, Fabric Heating, Public Transport Vehicle Heating, Innovative Heating
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-03-22 |