Paper Title :Designing Student Module for Kitweb
Author :Anagha A. Ralegaonkar, S.B. Thorat, P.K. Butey, A. P. Thakare
Article Citation :Anagha A. Ralegaonkar ,S.B. Thorat ,P.K. Butey ,A. P. Thakare ,
(2018 ) " Designing Student Module for Kitweb " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 32-36,
Abstract : An intelligent tutoring system is computer software designed to simulate a human tutor’s behavior and guidance.
In order to develop the software’s that present students effective instruction methods and provide education with being
adapted to students, studies are carried out. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) are designed with using Artificial
Intelligence (AI) techniques in computer programs and called cognitive tutors or Knowledge Based Tutoring Systems which
can guide learners to progress in the learning process at their best and to facilitate instruction. Intelligent Tutoring Systems
have revolutionized online education by providing individualized instruction tailored towards each student. Software testing
is one of the most largely known and necessary field in software engineering. We present KITWEB, the Knowledge based
Interactive Tutoring system for WEB application testing. KITWEB teaches different testing techniques testing as well as it
gives the practical testing experience to its users. While evaluating the users the test data and testing results the system
presents appropriate feedback regarding any errors in their solution. The main aim of the system is to individualize
instruction towards a particular student.
Keywords - Knowledge based Interactive Tutoring system for WEB application testing(KITWEB), Constraint based
modeling (CBM), Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), Bayesian Network (BN), Student Module (SM), Pedagogical Module,
Report Module
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-03-22 |