Paper Title :Novel Pilot Based Spectrum Sensing Algorithm
Author :S. Padmapriya, M. Tamilarasi
Article Citation :S. Padmapriya ,M. Tamilarasi ,
(2014 ) " Novel Pilot Based Spectrum Sensing Algorithm " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 35-39,
Abstract : Spectrum scarcity is an unresolved problem due to static frequency allocation. Adapting a spectrum sensing
algorithm to utilize unused primary user’s spectrum to secondary user is a promising solution. This paper proposes a Pilot
based Spectrum Sensing (PSS) algorithm to sense the pilot tones on OFDM based primary user signal. The algorithm
consists of two stages namely coarse and fine stage to senses the presence of primary user even at worst sensing cases like
time offset and higher noise gain. On each iteration, PSS algorithm decides the channel hypothesis based on the outcome of
the two stages. Moreover, only pilot tones on the received signal are sensed which ensures the security of primary user
information. Features such as precise sensing interval, power level comparison, low pass filter, correlation coefficient and
sliding window process are considered in PSS algorithm. Performance analysis of PSS algorithm through simulation
indicates reduced false alarm probability and improved probability of detection.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-10
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-09-30 |