Paper Title :Genetic Algorithm Based Optimal Allocation Of Svc For Reactive Power Loss Minimization In Power Systems
Author :Mugdha Bhandari, Sri.G.N.Madhu
Article Citation :Mugdha Bhandari ,Sri.G.N.Madhu ,
(2014 ) " Genetic Algorithm Based Optimal Allocation Of Svc For Reactive Power Loss Minimization In Power Systems " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 46-50,
Abstract : With the help of the FACTS controllers, it is possible to reduce real & reactive power losses in the power System.
Their location, type & rating have influence on system performance. Location & type chosen should be proper & rating must
be optimal for economical operation of the power system. This work presents a new approach to find the optimal rating of
FACTS controllers by using Genetic Algorithm (GA) & conventional Newton Raphson power flow method. Among various
FACTs controllers, Static VAR Compensator (SVC) is considered in this work. Our objective is to minimize the reactive
power loss in the system by placing optimum rating of the SVC. It has used reactive power loss minimization as objective
function to find the optimal rating of SVC. The proposed algorithm is an effective & practical method in this direction. To
verify the effectiveness of proposed algorithm, studies are carried out on IEEE 9 bus & IEEE 30bus systems, with different
loading conditions. Different loading conditions considered are normal loading condition, 80% loading condition, 90%
loading condition, 110% loading condition & 120% loading condition. Each test system, with same loading condition is
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-10
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-09-30 |