Paper Title :Transformerless High Step-Up Dc-Dc Converter
Author :Amit S. Surjagade, Akshay B. Bankar, J. P. Rothe
Article Citation :Amit S. Surjagade ,Akshay B. Bankar ,J. P. Rothe ,
(2014 ) " Transformerless High Step-Up Dc-Dc Converter " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 68-71,
Abstract : This paper proposes a transformer-less high step-up DC-DC converter which acts as an interconnection between
DC systems. A new step up converter proposed in the paper is designed and simulated in a simulation environment. The
conventional boost converter cannot have any control over the input current at a high duty cycle. Due to which, it draws
considerable amount of current from the source which can create problems for the components used in DC-DC converter.
Moreover, the voltage stress across the switch comes nearly equal to output voltage. These problems can be overcome in the
proposed topology discussed in the paper. The improved topology enhances important electrical parameters such as voltage
gain, power loss and switch voltage stress. These improvements in the parameters are explained with the help of formulae
explained in the paper. The improved topology improves the voltage stress and voltage gain. The output voltage is modified
with the introduction of extra components. Due to improvement in these parameters, the proposed topology becomes an
attractive feature for use with DG systems. The comparison is performed between conventional boost converter and boost
converter with improved topology. The efficiency curves are plotted for simple boost converter and improved topology. The
efficiency is evaluated for a wide range of duty cycle and this confirms the effectiveness of the improved topology discussed
in the paper. The proposed converter design and its implementation are given with operational results. The simulation results
are tested for an input voltage of 12V. The input voltage is stepped up to output voltage of 100V which can be used for
various applications. The interfacing problem of DG system (PV cell arrays) with grid will solve using this methodology.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-10
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-09-30 |