Paper Title :Reinforcement Single Carrier Capacity in Microwave Link Performance
Author :Imadeldin Elsayed Elmutasim, Izzeldin I. Mohd
Article Citation :Imadeldin Elsayed Elmutasim ,Izzeldin I. Mohd ,
(2020 ) " Reinforcement Single Carrier Capacity in Microwave Link Performance " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 21-24,
Abstract : The capacity in single carrier of microwave link demonstrate the volume of data transmitted, consider as the fundamental role to provide user’s requirements which rise daily base on their life needs. On the other hand, the data capacity explicitly associated by the channel conditions, which could become counteracting due to atmospheric parameters even with high spectral efficiency. In this paper we propose smart data logger with aggregated adaptive modulation for higher capacity in single carrier to maintain microwave link state via gathering wide range of environment parameters with process data simultaneously to provide contributable outcomes. With the far fast collecting and parallel modulating data under different climate could keep up the capacity of the channel, hence satisfy the customers due to get flawless system. The proposal extremely significant for planners and preventive support experts as they give them sensible time atmosphere impacts while modulate sizable data at the same time. The harmonic location considered, while the integrated system capabilities would serving meteorology sector comprehensively precision by offer the atmospheric status occasionally as well as provide clearly wide valuable in wireless sector especially in coming era due to promises for massive capacity but sensitive to deal with climate condition. Overall the proposal mitigates climate influences from the data viewpoint, and ensures to supply reliable link with care of availability. Keywords - Smart Data Logger, Aggregated Adaptive Modulation, Spilt Mount, Atmospheric Condition, Losses.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-8,Issue-4
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2020-07-03 |