Paper Title :Implementation Of Encryption Algorithm For Communication By Microcontrollers
Author :Udayan Patankar, S.S.Dorle
Article Citation :Udayan Patankar ,S.S.Dorle ,
(2014 ) " Implementation Of Encryption Algorithm For Communication By Microcontrollers " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 53-56,
Abstract : Abstract- This paper presents novel architecture for the Advanced Encryption algorithm to use it on low end
microcontrollers with less number of bits. Now a day’s communication with high data rate transmission and less power
consuming system is required which will deliver less error. Though the data rate is enhanced we try to keep things less
complicated with respect to its manufacturing and packaging. Thus rather than going for more bits microcontroller we try to
implement it with low bit size microcontrollers, which is also a cost effective. As we have heard that from ancient times it
was the trend to use coded language for highly secured data as well as for fast communication on the same basis The
algorithm used here encrypts frame information using an encrypted key. The key undergoes 4 stages of encryption. Then the
frame information is passed through 15 stages of encryption using the encrypted key to create a cipher text. So that system
will deliver less error and guaranteed communication is possible.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-4
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-04-11 |