Paper Title
Study on Mechanical Properties of Hot-Rolled Titanium/ Stainless Steel Clad Structures
This study aims to investigate mechanical properties, including shear bonding strength, internal friction, dynamic
elastic modulus of taitanium/ stainless steel (SUS316) clad structures bonded by hot rolling. Microstructures and chemical
compositions are investigated using electric microscopes. Hot rolling temperature ranges from 900 to 1050 oC. The
experiment demonstarated the following ressults. Different microstructures and bonding strength are obtained at each hot
rolling temperature. At Ti/ SUS316 interfaces, Ti/ Fe intermetallics exist with some oxides from the electric microscope
examinations. The thickness of interface layers increases with inctreaing hot rolling temperatures. These interface structures
highly affect the bonding strength. The maximum bonding strength is obtained for the samples hot-rolled at 950 oC. From
the fracture surface examinations, some brittle fracture occurs at the interface in some samples. Some Ti remains on fracture
surfaces of SUS316 layers in samples hot-rolled at 1000, 1025 and 1050 oC . For internal frictions and dynamic elastic
modulus, the samples hot-rolled at 925 and 950oC show high internal frictions and there is not much deference among all the
samples in dynamic elastic modulus.
Keywords- Clad structures, Hot-rolling, Titanium, Stainless Steel, Bonding Strength, Internal friction.