Paper Title
Multi-Objective Optimization of a Biomass Trigeneration System using Exergoeconomic Analysis
In this study, a multi-objective optimization scheme is developed and applied for a proposed integrated biomass
trigeneration system producing electricity, heating and cooling to find solutions that satisfy exergetic, economic and
environmental objectives. For performing the task, a multi-objective optimization model using evolutionary algorithms is
developed. The developed model is mainly used for any conceptual design and sizing optimization, where the system
configuration is optimized based on the exergetic, economic and environmental targets. The Pareto optimal set of efficient
solutions from multi-objective optimization which clearly shows the impact of any trade-off and its effect on the plant
performance is used for the decision making process. An example of decision-making is presented and the final optimal
solution is introduced. The analysis shows that optimization process leads to 22.8% increasing in the exergetic efficiency and
7.8% decreasing in the unit cost of products. Also, economic model results indicate that the rate of fuel cost and cost rate
relating to the exergy destruction decrease 24.15% and 36.95% in the optimization procedure, respectively.
Keywords- Biomass; Exergy; Multi-objective optimization; Pareto optimal solution; Trigeneration system