Paper Title
Investigation the Effect of Process Parameters on Impact Toughness of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Alloy [A6061]
Friction stir welding is considered to be the most significant development in metal joining in the last decade. This
joining technique is energy efficient, environment friendly and versatile. In the present work an effort has been made to
study the influence of the welding parameters on Impact Toughness in friction stir welded aluminum alloy. Three process
parameters i.e tool rotation speed, welding speed, and shoulder diameter were considered. Two level factorial designs of
eight runs were selected for conducting the experiments. The mathematical models were developed from the data generated.
The significance of coefficients and adequacy of developed models were tested by Student’s ‘t’ test and ‘F’ test respectively.
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is employed to investigate the effect of input parameters on mechanical properties of
weld. The effects of process parameters on Impact Toughness have been represented in the graphical form for better
Keywords - Aluminium Alloys, Impact Toughness, Tool Rotational Speed, Welding Speed, Shoulder Diameter