Paper Title :Green Gel Hypergolic Propulsion System for Space Application
Author :B.V.S.Jyoti, Muhammad Shoaib Naseem, Dong Gi Lee, Seung Wook Baek
Article Citation :B.V.S.Jyoti ,Muhammad Shoaib Naseem ,Dong Gi Lee ,Seung Wook Baek ,
(2017 ) " Green Gel Hypergolic Propulsion System for Space Application " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 85-88,
Abstract : This paper discusses the research achievement in the field of formulated green gel hypergolic bipropellant system
and customized gel thruster for space application. Catalytically driven ethanol/ethanolamine and hydrogen peroxide based
green gel hypergolic bipropellant system (GHP’s) was designed. Firstly, hypergolicity was achieved with the help of
formulated liquid or viscous catalyst. The concept was to achieve hypergolicity by utilizing and controlling, critical volume
of formulated catalyst without affecting the exhaust velocity and specific impulse of the designed GHP’s by reducing the
metal oxide production in the exhaust from the combustion of catalyst. Secondly, reasonable ignition delay time was
achieved as per mission requirement while controlling the delay time by controlling volume flow rate of the catalyst using
tri-injection thruster. Thirdly, thruster system was designed to understand the gel propellant performance under pressurized
condition in terms of Thrust and Isp for propulsion application. The obtained Thrust and Isp with gelled ethanol and
hydrogen eproxide was 400N and 278s respectively. Finally, this designed gel thruster will help to overcome the
complication of catalytic bed system for decomposition of peroxide before initiation of gel fuel ignition. The focus of this
research is to design the simple, safer, reliable and economical propulsion system.
Keywords– Gel Propellant, Hypergolicity, Catalyst, Thruster, Specific impulse
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-10
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-02-15 |