Paper Title :Pedal Operated Vegetable Cutter
Author :S. Manjunath, K. Kalyani Radha
Article Citation :S. Manjunath ,K. Kalyani Radha ,
(2017 ) " Pedal Operated Vegetable Cutter " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 36-41,
Abstract : Vegetable cutting is necessary for preparation of food and it is everyday activity in all houses, hotels and
restaurants. Today in Indian market due to change in life styles of working couples, restaurant for casual dining has become
the fastest growing business. Large-scale hotels can use many types of advanced automatic machines but small-scale hotels
cannot afford such high-class machinery. In hotels, more number of peoples are required for the vegetable cutting and it
requires more time. However, some automated machines are there for cutting vegetables they require external power to
operate them. They are not suitable so well for the medium sized hotels and home appliances. The objective is to design and
fabricate a vegetable cutter which operated by using pedal which can be useful to handicapped persons also.
Keywords - Sewing machine stand, Pulley, Coconut meat remover and Slicing blades.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-10
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-12-08 |