Paper Title :Ballistic Limit of Al-Sic Functionally Graded Armor Plates
Author :Recep Gunes, Mevlut Hakan, M. Kemal Apalak
Article Citation :Recep Gunes ,Mevlut Hakan ,M. Kemal Apalak ,
(2017 ) " Ballistic Limit of Al-Sic Functionally Graded Armor Plates " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 64-66,
Abstract : Against developing weapons technologies, protection armor systems are also making rapid progress. A good
armor system should provide high ballistic protection and light weight at the same time. Also, the desired armor system should
be able to resist against the multiple impacts. All these properties can be supplied by a metal-ceramic functional graded plate as
the armor system. Namely, the ceramic constituent provides high ballistic resistance against projectile while the metal
constituent supplies the structural integrity and multiple impact resistance of the functionally graded armor plates. In this
study, the effect of material composition on the ballistic limits of Al-SiC functionally graded armor plates were investigated
using explicit finite element method. The through-thickness material properties of the functionally graded plates were
determined by Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme. The ballistic limit velocities of metal-rich (n=0.1), linear (n=1.0) and
ceramic-rich (n=10.0) Al-SiC functionally graded armor plates subjected to 0.30 caliber Fragment Simulating Projectile (FSP)
were determined. Also, post-impact damage mechanisms of the functionally graded armor plates and projectiles were
evaluated in detail.
Index Terms— Functionally graded armor plate, Ballistic limit, Explicit finite element method.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-10
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-01-08 |