International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT)
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current issues
Volume-12,Issue-4  ( Oct, 2024 )
Past issues
  1. Volume-12,Issue-4  ( Oct, 2024 )
  2. Volume-12,Issue-3  ( Jul, 2024 )
  3. Volume-12,Issue-2  ( Apr, 2024 )
  4. Volume-12,Issue-1  ( Jan, 2024 )
  5. Volume-11,Issue-4  ( Oct, 2023 )
  6. Volume-11,Issue-3  ( Jul, 2023 )
  7. Volume-11,Issue-2  ( Apr, 2023 )
  8. Volume-11,Issue-1  ( Jan, 2023 )
  9. Volume-10,Issue-4  ( Oct, 2022 )
  10. Volume-10,Issue-3  ( Jul, 2022 )

Statistics report
Submitted Papers : 80
Accepted Papers : 10
Rejected Papers : 70
Acc. Perc : 12%

Resources For Authors 
Resources For Librarians 
Resources For Booksellers 
Submitting a Previously Published Conference Paper to IRAJ

1. Resources For Authors 

IRAJ publishes all its journals in full open access format. The scientific community and the general public can unlimitedly and immediately access all content published in our journals for free as soon as it is published on the Internet. Therefore, IRAJ needs to defray its editorial and production costs by collecting article processing charges (APC) from authors' institutes or research funding bodies. IRAJ is committed to keep its open access publication charges at a minimum level. 

We believe that immediate, worldwide, barrier-free, open access to the full text of research articles is in the best interests of the scientific community. 

2. Resources for Librarians 

Librarians play an important role in disseminating the latest publication information, we are committed to providing you the tools to better serve your users. If you are experiencing any difficulty, please email us at [email protected] 

3. Resources for Booksellers 

We offer a range of services for booksellers including ‘on demand’ online ordering, open returns policies, fully searchable and self-tailored downloadable online catalogues, promotions and distribution. 

4. Submitting a Previously Published Conference Paper to IRAJ

Conference papers are very welcome. However it is imperative that these papers are significantly revised and updated. Actually, such papers have a better chance of acceptance if their merits were already prescreened at high quality conferences. 

There is a risk that the same material is published twice, so special care should be taken. We would advice authors to change the contents of the paper to that extend that slight modification of the manuscript title would be justifiable. 
·  The conference paper must be cited and it should be explained how the conference paper has been enhanced (lack of this citation is considered as a serious violation of ethics and as a consequence the manuscript must be rejected).
·  Instead of repeating theoretical derivations or experimental results, please try to use references to these results presented already on previously published conference paper. Only the most important results should be repeated. Authors should focus on the new contributions, ideas, or clarifications that resulted after the conference paper was presented.
·  The previously published conference paper should be preferably 4-6 pages long with an emphasis on the description of the state-of-the-art. Under well-justified circumstances, such as extensive new results, the revised and extended versions up to 8 pages might be acceptable.
·  Please consider a slight modification of the title of the journal publication in order to avoid confusion with the previously published conference paper and please take special care about abstract so your paper will be noticed, downloaded, and read.


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IJASEAT updates
Volume-12,Issue-4 (October,2024)
The Conference World