Conference Proceeding Book(ISBN)
Institute of Research and Journals(IRAJ) provides the Conference Proceeding Book publication facility in association with In ITResearch which is a registered Conference Proceeding Book Publisher under Govt. of India.
The Proceedings also indexed and Archived in which is one of the largest digital library of Research papers and manuscripts.
Journal Publication Opportunity(ISSN)
IRAJ also provides the opportunity to publish the extended version of the conference papers in Various International Journals in regular and special issues.
Collaboration with International Journals
IRAJ Provides the opportunity to publish the papers in high quality peer-reviewed International Journals having Good Journal Impact Factors and indexing in top Journal indexing agencies.
Here are some of the associated journals (Non-Paid High quality Journals)
Other Associated Journals.
Apart from the above journals IRAJ also provides the facility to publish the extended version of the papers in UGC , Scopus and ISI Indexed International Journals with a little extra cost.
You can contact our Coordinator for the details.